Studio Phone
Studio Address
12724 Lowden Lane Manchaca, TX 78752 (Only 20 minutes south of downtown Austin!)
How old must someone be to get tattooed?
You must be 18 years of age to get tattooed. A valid ID is required.
How much is a tattoo? Can I get an estimate on my ideas?
The shop minimum is $150. Hourly rates start at $250, pricing estimates are provided at the time of your consultation.
Consultations are free! I love a good chat and free things!
When can I book a tattoo appointment?
At the time of a consultation we not only chat about your design, but also available tattoo times!
If you have a straightforward idea or a classic tattoo flash design, no consultation is needed. We can move to the deposit and the booking process.
In an effort to pare down wait time, I keep an active cancellation list. Priority is given to existing projects or work from my available designs.
When can I see my drawing?
All drawings are furnished at the time of your appointment. Due to demand, drawings are completed on a first-come, first-served basis. Not to worry, I typically book an ample amount of time for any minor edits at the time of your appointment.
How should I prepare for my tattoo appointment?
I recommend having a good night’s rest, and a good meal prior to getting tattooed. Please avoid caffeinated beverages or working out prior to your appointment time. You may bring a sugary snack or beverage at the time of your appointment.
Each client may bring one friend. Out of courtesy for other clients and myself, I ask to keep a limited number people in the tattoo area.
If you have additional questions, don’t hold back! Feel free to email me and I’ll follow up as soon as possible!
Deposit Policy: Deposits for tattoo designs, and commissions for multimedia designs are $100. This non-refundable payment is applied towards the final cost of the tattoo. This also holds your appointment time/ commission deadline. All deposits are forfeited should you no call/ no show, if you cancel your appointment less than 48 hours in advance, or for any outright cancellations. Each client has two opportunities to reschedule before a new deposit is required.
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How do I take care of my new tattoo?
Depending on how you heal, I offer two types of aftercare options. All aftercare instructions are emailed at the close of your appointment, but just in case you need a back up, you can check out this page.
Healing How-To’s & Process Info
Things to keep in mind: The healing process, on average takes roughly 2-3 weeks. It is important to maintain a clean area and moisturize accordingly to prevent scabs and itching.
Things to avoid: It is ok to shower, but avoid saunas, sun, pools, hot tubs, soaking in baths, and beaches until the tattoo is fully healed. It is important to also avoid tanning beds, oils, and direct sunlight during the healing time. Do not wear overly tight-fitting clothing, pick, or scratch while healing.
So basically, “NO SUMMER, NO SUN, AND NO FUN…until you heal!”
Things to know: Your tattoo was applied using sterile equipment such as disposable needles and tubes. All items have been EO sterilized by the manufacturer.
Everyone’s process is different. These are general guidelines and hygiene practices recommended. Maintaining the tattoo from this point forward is the responsibility of the client. Any questions that you may have, never hesitate to email me directly!
Traditional Tattoo Aftercare:
Leave protective bandaging on for up to three hours, and no more than 24 depending on the bandaging and your situation. Once you take the protective bandaging off be sure to wash with a liquid antibacterial soap (clients typically purchase Dial at a local pharmacy). DO NOT RE-BANDAGE
During the first three to five days be sure to wash your tattoo 2- 3 times a day. Always wash your hands before touching the tattooed area.
Apply a very thin layer of the aftercare ointment of your choice ( A&D/ Aquafor). If it’s shiny and wet looking, you are putting on too much: there should be a light sheen when applying. Too much ointment can lead to infection.
Your skin will appear to have a shine at one point, indicating the new, healed skin.
Be sure to moisturize will a non scented lotion/ fragrance free after the initial 3-5 days. Lubriderm, Aveeno, or Curel are all recommended products.
Dynarex Tattoo Aftercare:
Depending on the project, I may recommend removing the bandage roughly 24 hours after getting tattooed. Otherwise, you may wear your bandage anywhere from three to five days.
Once you are ready to gently remove the bandage, make certain to peel from corners while running warm water over the bandage. *Important: Do not rip or pull off when skin is dry. The bandage should have water running over it for 5-10 minutes before attempting to remove.
Immediately after removing the bandage, use your hands and wash the area thoroughly with a fragrance-free soap (ex. Dial, Dove, Dr. Bronnners) and warm water. Rinse well to remove all soap. You may air dry or blot dry with a soft paper towel but DO NOT RUB.
*If the bandage seal breaks, or is punctured, please remove and clean the area. Make sure to wash your new tattoo daily and apply a very thin layer of fragrance-free lotion (Aveeno, Curel, etc.)
In order to ensure the life of your tattoo, and overall health of your skin, stay hydrated, moisturize your skin, and wear sunscreen when possible.